Horrornews.net just posted a review for our feature film the Death of April... Check out the review by click on the link: http://horrornews.net/104935/film-review-the-death-of-april/
Horrornews.net just posted a review for our feature film the Death of April... Check out the review by click on the link: http://horrornews.net/104935/film-review-the-death-of-april/
A Prayer for the Undead being featured in The Brightside Tavern Shorts Fest Film Series
Great news our short film “A Prayer for the Undead” will be featured in The Brightside Tavern Shorts Fest Film Series
on March 6th (Set 3 2:40-4:25). The film stars my dear friend Amy Rutledge along withIan Kurtz, Natalie Pitcairn, Chris Riquinha and Matthew Tarricone. The project was produced by Cesar Giovanni Orellana, Jesus Eduardo Salgado, assistant directed byDayna Schutz along with help from Giancarlo Orellana and Ari Chavez and special effects make-up work from, the two most talented make-up artists around, Sarah Francavilla and Stephanie Albarracin
Come check out the film and support indy filmmaking -- buy your passes at http://www.brightsidetavernfilmfestival.com
The Death of April
Our latest feature film The Death of April has recieved a great review on Amazon.com -- check it out: https://www.amazon.com/review/R2ZBLVDK5ETMD7/ref=pe_1098610_137716200_cm_rv_eml_rv0_rv
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